“A strategy that is at odds with a company’s culture is doomed. Culture trumps strategy every time.”
We believe that cultural intervention can and should be an early priority— a way to clarify what your company is capable of, even as you refine your strategy. Targeted and integrated cultural interventions, designed around changing a few critical behaviors at a time, can also energize and engage your most talented people and enable them to collaborate more effectively and efficiently.
Scope of Work

Being a global brand, the company was having difficulty in motivating the employees to push themselves.
The existing employees of the company had become complacent (and cynical) and needed to be energized so that they could be ready to take the challenges associated with the growth plans of the company. There was no formalized system to ensure penetration of organizational culture which could bring all the employees together. As a result each employee behaved differently.


To have a simple and effective system in place to build an organizational culture of Client Values
To build an organization of able and sincere manpower so that the growth plans of the company can be implemented. To build-up an organization where employees look forward to work. To create penetration of the client value system at all levels. To build a proper system of goal setting, monitoring and performance appraisal uniformly implemented at all levels.
To permeate and internalize the values of the organization following a bottom up approach
Action Step 1:
Fanfare! We Communicated to everyone in the company that we were beginning a journey to refine the company’s values and make this a better place to work.
Action Step 2:
Evaluated current values and behaviours with interviews and focus groups Interviews and focus groups revealed problem areas we would never have been aware of otherwise. The intent of these sessions was to mine a cross section of employee opinion and develop a snapshot view of attitudes and employee engagement issues.
Action Step 3:
Selected a Values Workout team After senior leaders developed their thoughts about values, we started selecting a “Values Workout team.” The key role of the team was to work on behalf of the employees to develop and implement the Values Blueprint that the company will use to improve its culture.
Action Step 4:
The Values Retreat Workshop Over the course of an intense one-day workout, the Values Workout team was able to define the values that were vital to their organization and decide which behaviours would give the most meaning to those values.
Action Step 5:
Published their Values Blueprint and took it on the road Based on feedback during the vetting process, the Workout team finalized and published a professionally produced, concise statement of their company’s new values and behaviours.
Action Step 6:
Created a company-wide implementation plan and timeline The Values Workout team has now begun to focus on an action plan to ensure that the values they have set become a part of their organization’s DNA.
The following steps were carried out for the purpose of Identification and Design of Culture Aligned to Strategy

Examining Documents-Exit Interviews, PMS System, Goal Documents
Developing/customizing an Audit Tool to Assess the norms, values and artefacts
Administering the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI)/customised tool for assessing the gap between prevalent and preferred organizational culture.
Observation of samples to uncover the prevalent culture
Focus Group Interviews of Samples Across the Organization to validate findings
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